Are You Healthy From The Inside?

Mental Health 

Have you ever wondered if you were healthy from the inside? Or what is it to be healthy mentally?  Well, the answers to these questions are what you will be reading today. Always remember, your mental health is as important as your physical health. If you are not mentally healthy then what is the use of being physically healthy? Yes, you will feel good that you have got a good shape from the outside but what about the inside? Shaping your inner side is also very necessary. Physical attraction is one thing, but what you think and how you behave is what people notice the most in you. No, I'm not gonna teach you how to behave; but what I mean to say here is that you can change your thinking and behavior by just concentrating on yourself and doing a little bit of exercise. You will see a massive difference within yourself and start being more positive.

Every other person we see is either mentally depressed or have a lot of negative thoughts; And this is totally "Human". You should learn to let go all the negativity or else you will end up being that depressed person. It may be the challenges that you are facing in your personal life; And lets be true, there is no one who is not having a challenging life. All you got to do is to stay strong and positive, hoping and working for the good in the future. Life isn't always good or always bad; There will be twist and turns. It is to create the balance in life. For example; You would decide to eat healthy and workout for some days and some days you would eat a lot of junk and refuse to put on your pants. It is called the balance of life. If you do one thing continuously you will surely miss the other. Just remember not to be ashamed of yourself.

Be grateful for what God has given you and try to make it better the way you want yourself to be. Try doing a five minutes yoga routine everyday at anytime you are free. A five minutes for yourself is nothing bad. Do a few stretching exercise because if you don't bend, you will break. By doing this you will create a space in your mind that will help you calm down when you are aggressive. During the process try to forgive yourself, as that is very essential to heal the inner side. Only when you have the power to heal, you will be ready to face the challenge that life brings to you. There will be a balance in your life that never existed before. It is important to be bad as it is to be good. One without the other is off kilter / unstable. Enjoy every moment and make the best out of it, because present time is all that we have. Its not one or the other, it is all of it at once; It is the messy, beautiful practice of living life the best you can.

 I hope you enjoyed reading it. If you want me to write more like this the please let me know by commenting below or on my Instagram, cause I'm more active there. My Instagram ID is @yogitha_bharathi.

Thank You !


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