How to make your skin Healthy ?

Get That Good Skin

You can get a healthy skin naturally by taking in the right food required. One big bonus with what I'm gonna share with you today is that, this will not only make your skin healthy but also thicken your hair, improve your immune systems and reduce pimples. This is literally the easiest and the safest way towards a healthy you. Plus if you are on a diet then this will also help you reduce you weight (if taken in the right quantity!). 

The secret 

Well, The secret is non other than the Green dhal or sprouts. Its is the cheapest among all the pulses that are available in the market and yet the healthiest. If you are still lazy to buy the pulse and soak it over night to sprout it, then there is another option; you can always find the ready made or sprouted green dhal at any vegetable shop near by. Also you can create the recipe as you wish; spicy, sweet, cooked, steamed or anything that I haven't even mentioned. Continue to eat this for at-least four days a week and you would see fast results.

What i personally like to do is, I add a lot of veggies in my sprout to make it more healthy (there are other option to make it healthy too!). the main veggies that I add are tomatoes and onion garnished with chopped coriander. I love eating spicy so I add up some salt and chilly. That is my kind of dish and it helps me when in hungry during my diet too.

Tell me how you make your healthy sprout in the comment section below and i would surely try it and give a feed back too. I can tell you that you would feel amazing and love the way your skin would be after you try out this; I myself used to find it stupid but now after tiring it, I must say it changes my skin totally. 

Also please do follow me on Instagram as I'm more active there. My user ID is @yogitha_bharathi 

Thankyou! :)


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